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Engineers Without Borders

Open Source for Community Driven Projects
engineers without borders

Today, more than two billion people lack access to the most basic things, such as clean drinking water, adequate sanitation, reliable passage to local markets and more. Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) is engineering change in 39 countries around the world to transform this reality — one well at a time, one bridge at a time, one community at a time. Our mission is to establish programs worldwide through partnerships that design and implement sustainable engineering projects, while creating transformative experiences that enrich global perspectives and create responsible leaders. EWB-USA’s vision is a world in which the communities we serve have the capacity to sustainably meet their basic human needs.

Recently, EWB-Greater Austin chapter has initiated a maker movement to provide instrumentation needs to support its projects by utilizing open source platforms such as Arduino, RepRap 3D Printers and others. Our initiation has visibly helped EWB projects with Digitized Measurement Tools, Automation & Control Systems, Power Generation Systems, Wireless Gadgets and many others. These systems or gadgets, purchased off-the-shelf are cost prohibitive for EWB projects due to high purchasing cost and recurring maintenance costs. Closed/intellectually-protected systems also hinder EWB’s initiative to provide custom made solutions. Considering these challenges, we have strategically decided to utilize open-source and increased our work efficiency, accuracy, productivity and the overall outcome of the projects.

We are seeking visibility among the maker community across the globe to accelerate our initiative and spread our message. Presenting Engineer’s Without Borders at Maker Faire will provide us leverage and motivate makers to build something innovative for the benefit of underprivileged communities.

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