Here’s a neat one-sheet with all the deets! Click on the letter below to get a pdf to share around, if you know of any of businesses or companies that might be interested. And remember, the earlier you sponsor, the more you get out of it, so don’t delay!
Now seeking sponsors for Austin Mini Maker Faire 2014!
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Call for Makers is OPEN!
Apply here to be part of Austin Mini Maker Faire 2014! The call for Makers is open until March 15.
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Town Hall meeting for AMMF 2014!
Once more we are hosting a Town Hall meeting for this year’s Austin Mini Maker Faire at The North Door on Monday, January 27th from 7-9 pm.
Do you want to participate this year as a Maker, volunteer, or sponsor? Do you want to chime in about what you want to have at the Faire this year? Do you just like to eat pizza and drink beer? We got you covered. We’ll answer questions and share intimate details about this awesome Austin event. We’re also kicking off our Call for Makers, which will be open until March 15!
Austin Mini Maker Faire Spot from Stephen Henderson on Vimeo.
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Austin Mini Maker Faire video
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The Year of 100 Maker Faires!
This was a banner year for Maker Faires! In the not-so-slow progression of community-based Mini Maker Faires that’s been going on since the Mini-Maker-Faire movement began in 2009, this is the year in which there were exactly 100 Maker Faires taking place across the world… and more than 530,000 people were able to have the Maker Faire experience! The Maker Movement is booming and we are so glad that Austin is a part of it. Read more about it here on the Makezine blog.
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