Come weave with us, discover the ancient craft of spinning, or get your feet wet with felting! WSSA members will demonstrate weaving and spinning, and answer any questions you might have.
AARG is all about having fun and learning with rockets. We launch everything from small model rockets with youth groups to very large high power rockets with serious adult hobbyists. On display you will find many types and sizes of rockets built both from scratch and kits. There will also be examples of various components made by our members such as electronic altimeters and re-loadable motor cases. If you are a student in grades 7-12, be sure to ask about the Team America Rocketry Challenge through which you can win college scholarships. We are proud to be home to the 2013 championship team! We invite you to join us at our next launch, whether you have a rocket to fly or just want to see some high-power flights.
Climb into a shelter made from natural objects, observe some tools made from items found on a hike, and create a craft reflecting your love for the wild outdoors!
Explore. Create. Amaze.
Build a Marshmallow Launcher and test your aim! Physics at its finest.
Follow our project steps to assemble parts, customize your launcher, and fire away.
We will have targets at various launch points to measure distance and accuracy.
Neo-Victorian and Steampunk Clothing and Accessories